
Wed, 04/14/2021 - 10:45 -- ahassouneh
Frequency of publishing: 
Place of issuance: 
Jareeda description (المكتبة الوطنية ): 
غير متوفرة
Digitally available(date period): 
Jareeda theme: 
Jareeda Description (British Library): 
The series contains digital images of one bound volume of al-Jinān for the year 1874, containing 24 issues. al-Jinān was an educational, historical and literary magazine, published twice a month in Beirut by Butrus al-Bustani Alongside articles concerning Arabic history and literature, the magazine presents summaries of current and historical events in Europe, and sometimes features translations from European press and literature. Originally published individually, the issues for 1874 have been bound into one volume, and are kept like this at the al-Aqsa Mosque Library. Page numbers run consecutively throughout the volume.