Israeli Deportation of Palestinians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip; 1967-1978 (Part II)
This is the continuation of the list of Palestinians deported by the Israeli authorities from the occupied territories between 1967 and 1978. See the Journal's Winter 1979 issue (Vol. VIII, No. 2, pp. 101-31) for the accompanying analytical text and the first part of the list.
The present list contains five deportees (nos. 1152-56) not originally included in the article submitted for publication. Because they were not considered in the author's analysis and appear outside the chronological order based on the date of arrest, their numbers appear in brackets. The author's source for these deportees is a pamphlet published in early 1978 by the PLO political department in Damascus. This has been added as source Z to the key of sources published in the Winter issue of the Journal.