United Nations Special Committee on Palestine - 68 Years Later

On September 3, 1947, the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) submitted its report to the General Assembly recommending the partition of Palestine into an Arab and Jewish state. UNSCOP's report foreshadowed the Assembly's passage of Resolution 181 on November 29; the so-called partition resolution, an effective green light for the Yishuv to conquer Palestinian villages and "transfer" their inhabitants outside of the allotted Jewish state. In the final analysis, UNSCOP's report sealed the fate of Palestine. 

On this anniversary, we recommend erstwhile Syrian Ambassador to the UN (1965-72) George J. Tomeh's "When the UN Dropped the Palestinian Question" published in the Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. 4 No. 1.  

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United Nations Special Committee on Palestine - 68 Years Later
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