
Wed, 04/14/2021 - 15:18 -- ahassouneh
Frequency of publishing: 
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Jareeda description (المكتبة الوطنية ): 
هي مجلة أدبية روائية أخلاقية تاريخية فكاهية. في الأصل كانت تُسمى مجلة "زهرة الجميل" ولكن تبدّل الاسم لـ "الزهرة" بالسنة الثانية لإصدارها بشهر أيار سنة 1922. كانت المجلة تصدر مرتين في الشهر من قبل المكتبة الوطنية في حيفا. أما صاحبها ومديرها المسؤول فهو الأستاذ جميل البحري، الذي سكن حيفا وأسهم بشكل كبير في نهضتها الثقافية، إذ كان من المؤسسين البارزين لحلقة الأدب بالمدينة عام 1922. تتميز المجلة بوفرة الروايات والمقالات الأدبية فيها، إذ شملت العديد من الأسماء البارزين مثل الأستاذ وديع بستاني وغيره من الأسماء.
Digitally available(date period): 
1 أيّار 1922 - 1 أيّار 1926
Jareeda theme: 
Jareeda Description (British Library): 
The series contains digital images of 51 issues of the magazine al-Zahrah, covering 1922-1926. al-Zahrah was published twice a month, but due to political and economic contingencies two issues were often published as one; for this reason, the 51 issues are spread across 38 physical publications, and are represented here in 38 electronic folders al-Zahrah ('Flower' or 'Venus') was published in Haifa by Jamil al-Bahri, as a "literary, novelistic, ethical, historical and humour magazine." Each issue contains a literary section with stories published in installments. Page numbers for these sections differ from the numbering for the rest of the magazine, allowing readers to easily follow stories as they continued through different issues. Issue numbers are given on the cover of each issue, however there is no discernable pattern to the issue number sequences, and they can return to issue one at seemingly random intervals al-Zahrah was published from 1921-1927. The al-Aqsa Mosque library holdings only cover the period May 1922 - March 1926. al-Zahrah developed from Zahrat al-Jamil ('the Flower of the Beautiful') magazine, and in 1927 changed title, to become al-Zuhour ('Flowers') Issues were originally published on paper, measuring 23 x 15 cm. View archives from this collection