Settlement Monitor
The Settlement Monitor covers items—reprinted articles, statistics, and maps—pertaining to Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. They are reproduced as published, including original spelling and stylistic idiosyncrasies. Significant developments this quarter: As the first half of 2016 came to a close, Israel continued demolishing Palestinian homes in Area C of the West Bank and stepped up punitive and agenda-driven demolitions across East Jerusalem. Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu also approved 800 new settlement units and announced another 600 in Beit Safafa after a spate of violent attacks in June and July. While officials in the United States were preoccupied with upcoming presidential elections, the Jerusalem Municipal Council for Planning and Building pushed forward with stalled expansion plans for the Ramot settlement, while Israel declared an area south of Bethlehem as state land to expand the Gush Etzion settlement bloc. Finally, Israel attempted to appease its settlers further by exploring means to override the High Court’s decision to evacuate the illegal Amona outpost.