From Palestinian to Israeli: Jerusalem 1948-1982

VOL. 12


No. 4
P. 57
From Palestinian to Israeli: Jerusalem 1948-1982

Since 1948 the city of Jerusalem has undergone a process of "Israelization" accomplished by the uprooting and dispossession of the Palestinian Christian and Muslim population. This displacement of Palestinians from the Holy City was achieved by two methods. First, the use of a terror campaign in 1948 to evict the Palestinians from their homes and villages in what is now called West Jerusalem. The second method utilized a legal process, developed after 1967, by which privately-owned Palestinian land was confiscated for "public purposes." "Public" refers to the Israeli public, and the "purpose" is the establishment of exclusive Jewish residential fortress colonies being built in East Jerusalem.

Ibrahim Mattar is a Palestinian economist who was formerly head of the Department of Business and Economics at Bethlehem University