This section lists articles and reviews of books relevant to Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Entries are classified under the following headings: Reference and General; History (to 1948) and Geography; Palestinian Politics and Society; Jerusalem; Israeli Politics, Society, and Zionism; Arab and Middle Eastern Politics; International Relations; Law; Military; Economy, Society, and Education; Literature and Art; Book Reviews; and Reports Received.
Bilqaziz, `Abdallah. "Toward an Intellectual Revision of Arab Marxist Heritage" [in Arabic]. al-Tariq 57, no. 5 (Sep.-Oct. 98): 55-63.
"Clash of Civilizations or Multi-Culturalism (Symposium)" [in Arabic]. MA 21, no. 238 (Dec. 98): 74-91.
Hosaka, Shuji. "The Internet and Middle East Studies." JIME Review 10, no. 36 (Spr. 97): 93-116.
Karsh, Efraim. "Benny Morris and the Reign of Error." MEQ 6, no. 1 (Mar. 99): 15-28.
Khoury, Adel T. "Christen in den Ländern des Islams." KAS-Auslandsinformationen 13, no. 9 (97): 4-27.
McInnes, Neil. "'Orientalism,' the Evolution of a Concept." National Interest, no. 54 (Win. 98-99): 73-81.
Mohseini, Navid. "Images of the Middle East: Exploring a Fascination." Critique, no. 13 (Fall 98): 83-102.
Munoz, Gema M. "Islamisme et pourtant modernes." Sommaire, no. 27 (Fall 98): 33-44.
Niblock, Tim. "Democratization: A Theoretical Debate." BRIJMES 25, no. 2 (Nov. 98): 221-35.
Davis, Richard. "Le débat sur l''appeasement' britannique et français dans les années 1930: Les crises d'Ethiopie et de Rhénanie." RHMC 45, no. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 98): 822-36.
El-Eini, Roza I. M. "British Agricultural-Educational Institutions in Mandate Palestine and Their Impression to Rural Landscape." MES 35, no. 1 (Jan. 99): 98-114.
Ergene, Bogac. "Subalternity, Postcolonial Critique and the Ottoman Peasantry: A Critical Evaluation of the Modern Approaches to Ottoman State-Society Relations." Critique, no. 13 (Fall 98): 29-44.
Fleischmann, Ellen. "'Our Moslem Sisters': Women of Greater Syria in the Eyes of American Protestant Missionary Women." ICMR 9, no. 3 (Oct. 98): 307-23.
Hagen, Gottfried, and Tilman Seidenstricker. "Reinhard Schulzes Hypothese einer islamischen Aufklärung: Kritik einer historiographischen Kritik." ZDMG 148, no. 1 (98): 83-110.
Hoexter, Miriam. "Waqf Studies in the Twentieth Century: The State of the Art." JESHO 41, no. 4 (Nov. 98): 474-95.
Macfie, A. L. "British Intelligence and the Causes of Unrest in Mesopotamia, 1919-21." MES 35, no. 1 (Jan. 99): 165-77.
Moore-Harell, Alice. "The Turco-Egyptian Army in Sudan on the Eve of the Mahdiyya, 1877-80." IJMES 31, no. 1 (Feb. 99): 19-37.
Moussa, Sarga. "Orientalisme et rousseaunisme: Les bédouins d'Arabie vu par un voyageur polonais, le comte Rzewnski." RHMC 45, no. 2 (Apr.-Jun. 98): 346-56.
Reilly, James A. "Past and Present in Local History of the Ottoman Period from Syria and Lebanon." MES 35, no. 1 (Jan. 99): 45-65.
Reinkowski, Maurus. "Late Ottoman Rule Over Palestine: Its Evaluation in Arab, Turkish and Israeli Histories, 1970-90." MES 35, no. 1 (Jan. 99): 66-97.
Smith, Jane I. "Christian Missionary Views of Islam in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries." ICMR 9, no. 3 (Oct. 98): 357-73.
AA (Asian Affairs)
ALQ (Arab Law Quarterly)
AT (Arabies Trends)
BRIJMES (British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies)
DPFP (Di Politika/Foreign Policy)
FA (Foreign Affairs)
ICMR (Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations)
IJMES (International Journal of Middle East Studies)
JAL (Journal of Arabic Literature)
JESHO (Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient)
JP (Jerusalem Post International Edition)
JQF (Jerusalem Quarterly File)
JRAS (Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society)
JWH (Journal of World History)
MA (al-Mustaqbal al-'Arabi)
MDF (Majallah al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya)
MEAJ (Middle East Affairs Journal)
MEI (Middle East International)
MEJ (Middle East Journal)
MEQ (Middle East Quarterly)
MES (Middle Eastern Studies)
MESA (MESA Bulletin)
MP (Mediterranean Politics)
MUI (Majallah li al-`Ulum al-Ijtima`iyya)
MWBR (Muslim World Book Review)
NSSQ (National Security Studies Quarterly)
NYTBR (New York Times Book Review)
PIJPEC (Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture)
PSQ (Political Science Quarterly)
REP (Revue d'études Palestiniennes)
RHMC (Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine)
SA (Shu'un al-Awsat)
SD (al-Siyasa al-Duwaliyya)
SF (al-Siyasa al-Filastiniyya)
ShA (Shu'un `Arabiyya)
SI (Studia Islamica)
SJBSA (Sociology: Journal of the British Sociological Association)
TLS (Times Literary Supplement)
WJW (Washington Jewish Week)
WR (Washington Report on Middle East Affairs)
ZDMG (Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft)
Bibliography compiled by Norbert Scholz